A week of workshops hosted by Jon Robson & Matt Stephenson at Winifred Holtby School - Hull. Supported by Aim Higher & Creative Partnerships to develop students creative approach to learning.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Brilliant work - message from Matt

FANTASTIC - this week we've got loads of footage and interviews taken around the school site, we've got literally hundreds of photos on the Flickr site (check the links at the side of the page), we've recorded audio clips about attitudes to life at school, life on Bransholme, life in Hull, life in the UK and how everyone feels about the world and their place in it. People have tackled jobs that they've found difficult, but discovered they could do it. Other people have overcome their shyness to speak on camera or into a microphone. Chelsey wrote a brilliant piece about the way African nations are portrayed in the media and how here views have changed during the course of the week. Rebekah, Stephanie and Paige conducted a survey into attitudes toward control and discipline around the school and followed this up with a very well thought out and expressed article. Claire and Becky showed excellent written skills, Laura proved to be a visual whizz and a great organiser, Nozza and Dan proved what they can do technically, Kurt and Phil threw themselves into everything (including paper aeroplanes!), Alex, Vicky and James too, and Chris and Terri helped and supported each other throughout. Through the whole week, the single thing that has knitted everyone together has been an awareness and empathy with the audience for our work - kids in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Look at all this stuff - there's bags of life, creativity and intelligence in Bransholme... and a link has been made between an isolated city in the east of England and av struggling city in the west of Africa.


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